ensuring safety: our top priority
When the time is right, John Wayne Airport is ready to reconnect guests with family, friends and business associates and welcome everyone back to a cleaner, safer and more secure environment. Our “Healthy Travels” practices implemented throughout the Terminal follow County and State guidelines to protect the health of all employees and guests.

Participants, from 14 organizations, agencies, departments, and divisions
FAA certification inspection
In January, the Airport successfully completed its annual FAR Part 139 Certification Inspection. The three-day comprehensive inspection included a review of numerous facility and personnel training records, a detailed assessment of the airfield and Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting training records, equipment, and a timed response drill.

Emergency Operations Center (EOC) exercise
JWA staff joined the County EOC Exercise—providing oversight in the County’s policy room and activating the EOC in our Terminal administration area. Our Airport team established communication between the County EOC and Airport EOC and all parties participated in the WebEOC program.