Ensuring safety: our top priority
- Annual report
- 2022
- Annual report
- 2022
- Annual report
- 2022
100% Committed to Protecting What Matters
Whether boarding a plane, arriving on a flight or waiting in our Terminals, we are 100% committed to maintaining the highest degree of safety and security, and we meet or exceed all federally mandated security regulations. Knowing that we have security covered, you can rest assured and enjoy our Airport and travel with ease.
Here’s what we did in 2022:
Multi-faceted airfield safety improvements.
We completed the Airfield Lighting Improvements Project, which included replacing incandescent edge lights with LED lights, installing in-pavement runway guard lights to increase safety at Runway/Taxiway intersections, replacing old airfield signage and power cables, and replacing and relocating the Airport rotating beacon and tower.
Continual reinforcement through safety training.
We completed over 1,000 safety tailgate meetings (informal safety meetings conducted before work shifts). We also provided trainings addressing: Operating in an Airfield Movement Area; Lock Out/Tag Out; Confined Space; Basic Electrical Safety; and OSHA/Cal-OSHA Basics for Vendors and Contractors.
Enhanced property security.
We planned, designed and started a Perimeter Fence Enhancement Project, which will provide additional security to our property.
Bolstering our security team.
We established the first Airport Law Enforcement Academy for new OCSD Airport Police Service Command Staff, deputies, and Sheriff Special Officers.
Security from the skies.
We developed the first JWA Unmanned Aerial Systems-Drone Incident Response Plan, which will offer additional visibility and a more coordinated and efficient response from security personnel, first responders and law enforcement.
John Wayne Airport safety efforts encompass
our entire property, which includes
510 acres of land and two runways.
Prepare, prepare, prepare.
We completed four significant emergency response exercises with more than 100 participants at each session, including the Annual Airport Emergency Plan Tabletop Exercise – Catastrophic Earthquake Scenario, Annual Aviation Security (AVSEC) Tabletop Exercise – Terrorist Attack Scenario, Annual Active Shooter/Rescue Task Force Full-Scale Exercise, and Sheriff SWAT Training.
On the Horizon in 2023:
WE WILL strive for even stronger resilience.
We’ll implement our IT Cyber Security Incident Response Plan to increase our protection and resilience from potential cyberattacks.
Full-Scale Triennial Disaster Exercise.
The exercise will simulate response to a commercial aircraft accident. Approximately 500 people will participate, including first responder agencies and simulated victim volunteers.
Progress with our General Aviation Improvement PROGRAM (GAIP).
As part of our multi-year GAIP, development will begin on Clay Lacy Aviation and Jay’s Aircraft Maintenance.